Search Results
I FINALLY landed on the SOLO STARTUP that I've been chasing - SOLO RUST #7 S78
It's time to RAID for our STARTUP since yesterday was a disaster - SOLO RUST #10 S78
The NEW START is here but I almost lost all my brain cells - SOLO RUST #1 S77
The REVENGE I've been waiting for all of my 8,000 HOURS - SOLO RUST #13 S77
After this SOLO REBOUND I logged off with a big smile - SOLO RUST #2 S78
I'm holding down the OCEAN like its my full time job - SOLO RUST #4 S78
The SOLO PLAYERS that never give up are the BEST ONES - SOLO RUST #11 S78
When playing SOLO RUST there's a chance you'll lose brain cells - SOLO RUST #16 S78 FINALE
Well, I got RAIDED but I found more DECAYED LOOT so its ok - SOLO RUST #10 S77
The CARGO RUN is finally here and it helped us REBOUND - SOLO RUST #13 S78
This RAID was CHEAP because they forgot to upgrade - SOLO RUST #14 S77
They forgot to upgrade their DOORFRAME and I stole all their LOOT - SOLO RUST #12 S77